Write it out, Plan it out!
Create your goals and visualize the steps needed to get there.
Put those steps into your to-do list to actualize those visions!
Conquer the least desirable to-do item FIRST
We find it’s empowering to give yourself one easy win right away i.e. making your bed to get things rolling, but when you are ready to work, get after that hard task and build momentum for the day! Save your other work for after you complete this and it’ll be a breeze!
Take breaks!
Did you know people’s attention begins to diminish after about 25-30 minutes on the same task? Taking a 5-10 minute break every half hour or so keeps you feeling energized and fresh!
Track your progress
Create small, measurable goals that you check off after you complete them. Momentum and positive reinforcement turns this process into one you’ll want to repeat!
Here’s how you can apply these tips to storing your belongings with us!
Create an inventory. Visualize generally where you’ll put your belongings in the unit - heavy items on the bottom, smaller boxes on shelves, items you’ll need to access frequently toward the front.
Conquer the least desirable items first - Plan to move the hardest items first. (You don’t want to wrestle with your heaviest items at the end of the day!)
Take a break at least once an hour, even for a few minutes.
Take note of how much you’ve done already, instead of just focusing on what’s left.